Trading used machinery is for most machinery dealers not the core business. However, companies such as Zeppelin-CAT make a reasonable profit out of it. The average margin in used machinery trading can easily settle between 10 to 15%. If it would not be profitable most dealers would source it out. Compared to new machine sales the profits are even better.
The selling price for a used excavator or loader is more or less fix and set by the market. It means the key for profit lies in correct purchase or trade-in pricing. To calculate the appropriate price it is essentially to get reliable info about the machine condition.
In daily business it is impossible to send a mechanic to each machine a dealer might have to trade in. Therefore, it does make sense having the Used Sales Staff and the New Machinery Sales people trained how to inspect a used machine in a certain time with good results.
The owner of Mevas, Wolfgang Bühn is a specialist for used machinery. He spent almost 35 years of his business life with heavy equipment. He offers used equipment inspection training in any place of the globe for a reasonable fee. Since 2006 he is managing the probably most important inspection service in this market. More than 600 used machines are inspected every year.
Used Machinery Inspection training has been provided in the past for various dealerships such as Mantrac, PON-CAT, Finanzauto, Huntraco, Bergerat-Monnoyeur or Zeppelin-Russia.
It does not matter what brand your dealership presents. Used-Trade-In is in most cases not the brand you are selling new. Give it a try. Ask for a quotation.